Before you purchase a property in Perth WA, call our office on 1300 762 667 where one of our staff will be happy to assist you

Termites and other destructive timber pests attack 1 in 5 homes. Your investment in a professional pest report is small compared with the cost of dealing with a termite or pest problem left unchecked.

We guarantee to deliver your pest report within 48 hours of gaining access to the property. (excluding weekends & public holidays) All reports comply with Australian standards AS 4349.3 and AS 3660.2 and our inspectors will be happy to make time to discuss the findings of your report, either onsite or over the phone.

Your Visual Timber Pest Inspection Report will consist of any timber pest activity or existing damage found by Subterranean & Damp wood Termites, Wood decay fungi & Borers. Sections are individually detailed which includes: Roof, Interior, Subfloor, Exterior, Out buildings (sheds, sleepout, etc), Grounds, Fences, External timbers (Pergola’s, Decking, posts etc) Fences, Garage. We include any recommendations that maybe required to prevent any termite attacks.

Fungal Decay 
Caused By Wood Decay Fungi should be part of the report and whether damage found was Moderate, Moderate to Extensive or Extensive.

It is strongly recommended that a full Inspection to AS 4349.3 or AS 3660.2-2000 be carried out AT LEAST once every 6 months. Regular inspections DO NOT stop timber pest attack, but are designed to limit the amount of damage that may occur by detecting problems early.

NOTE: A termite inspection AS 3660.2 is solely an inspection for termites and does not report Wood decay fungi & Borers.

To order your Pest inspection report now call us on 1300 762 667 or e.mail

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